Capricorn Full Moon: One Thousand Steps

Sometimes small steps lead to big ones.

For many people, life has been challenging – the pandemic, the climate crisis, war, and much more. As we each climb a personal mountain, the question for many is: How can peace be found amidst the chaos? Do beauty and discovery arrive in the slow process of the ascent… or are they achieved by suddenly reaching the summit?

Many of you know that following a life-changing injury some years ago, I’ve struggled to walk. Limitations and boundaries have become a part of everyday life for me – words that call to mind the sign of Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn. But these constraints aren’t unique to me; many of us are feeling restrained in some way right now.

Can hardship lead to healing? Can we build from the wreckage?

And where is that mountaintop? How much farther do we have to go?


The Full Moon at 21° Capricorn (July 13th, 1:37pm CDT) reveals themes around hard work, goals, achievements, responsibilities, boundaries, and the structures that surround us. Realistic Capricorn is represented by the determined sea-goat, a creature with the ability to climb the highest mountain, but also dive into the depths of the ocean.

Full Moons always occur when the Sun and Moon are opposite each other. While the Sun is setting over the western horizon tonight, look to the east: The Moon will be rising. As the Sun and Moon face each other during this time, so too does this Full Moon offer illumination regarding two opposing matters in our lives – something is being reflected back to us.

The Sun, currently making its way through the water sign of caretaking Cancer, invites us to focus on family, home, roots, comfort, security, and nourishment. How can you nurture yourself and those you love? What anchors you, and what does emotional safety look like for you? (Read more about the Cancer New Moon here.)

But as the Moon moves through earthy Capricorn, it’s also asking: What are you hoping to achieve? What are your worldly goals and aspirations? What will you build with your life?

Taken together: Where do you come from, and where are you going?

Each Full Moon is also connected to three previous lunations: Look to the New Moon from two weeks ago, and the Full Moons from six months ago (January 2022) and 18 months ago (January 2021). What was happening for you during those times? Is a pattern being highlighted? Does a thread weave through this story?


In January of 2021, at a time when I was only walking about 200 steps per day and the pandemic had closed one of the clinics I used, I plotted my Audacious Walking Plan – a physical therapy strategy with structured, concrete, incremental increases. By the time the Capricorn New Moon of January of 2022 rolled around, I achieved the milestone of walking 500+ steps per day! (I wrote about this in my essay, “Capricorn New Moon: Step by Step.”)

Now, as this ambitious Capricorn Full Moon arrives, I’ve managed to continue building on my physical therapy. Nothing has happened quickly, as I’m only increasing my steps 5% every two or three weeks. But through a lot of support – and what my doctor noted as “sheer determination” – I’m delighted to report that I’m now clocking in at 1000 steps per day!

There’s still a lot I can’t do. That list is long, and some days it’s overwhelming. But right now, I’m taking a moment to step back and look at my hard-won achievements. I’m also adding new goals that will, slowly but steadily, increase accessibility in my life. Little by little, I’ve come a long way.

What personal mountain are you climbing? What are you building? Can you look at your past, and figure out what small steps you can take that will lead to bigger ones? After all, in order to make a plan for where you’re going, it’s important to know where you’ve been.

Sure, there is beauty at the top of the mountain. But perhaps this Capricorn Full Moon offers this for consideration: Can comfort be found in the hard work and determination of the ascent?

Forward we go.

Essay ©2022 Jen Braun, JJ Boots Productions LLC

Artwork ©2022 Carol Braun


Leo New Moon: The Path With Heart


Cancer New Moon: Nourishment